think past simple форма

Глагол think в английском языке

think 3 forms

Перевод think с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
think thought thought thinking
[θɪŋk] [θɔːt] [θɔːt] [ˈθɪŋkɪŋ]
[θɪŋk] [θɔːt] [θɔːt] [θɪŋkɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение think в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение


Спряжение глагола «to think» (Английский язык)

Глагол to think – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: думать, обдумывать придумывать, находить; считать, полагать.

Infinitive to think
Simple past thought
Past participle thought
-s thinks
-ing thinking

Think in present simple



He does not think
She does not think
It does not think


Does he think?
Does she think?
Does it think?

Think in present continuous


He is thinking
She is thinking
It is thinking


You are not thinking

He is not thinking
She is not thinking
It is not thinking

We are not thinking

You are not thinking

They are not thinking


Is he thinking?
Is she thinking?
Is it thinking?

Think in present perfect


He has thought
She has thought
It has thought


I have not thought

You have not thought

He has not thought
She has not thought
It has not thought

We have not thought

You have not thought

They have not thought


Has he thought?
Has she thought?
Has it thought?

Think in present perfect continuous


I have been thinking

You have been thinking

He has been thinking
She has been thinking
It has been thinking

We have been thinking

You have been thinking

They have been thinking


I have not been thinking

You have not been thinking

He has not been thinking
She has not been thinking
It has not been thinking

We have not been thinking

You have not been thinking

They have not been thinking


Have I been thinking?

Have you been thinking?

Has he been thinking?
Has she been thinking?
Has it been thinking?

Have we been thinking?

Have you been thinking?

Have they been thinking?

Think in past simple


He thought
She thought
It thought


He did not think
She did not think
It did not think

They did not think


Did he think?
Did she think?
Did it think?

Think in past continuous


He was thinking
She was thinking
It was thinking

They were thinking


I was not thinking

You were not thinking

He was not thinking
She was not thinking
It was not thinking

We were not thinking

You were not thinking

They were not thinking


Was he thinking?
Was she thinking?
Was it thinking?

Were they thinking?

Think in past perfect


He had thought
She had thought
It had thought


You had not thought

He had not thought
She had not thought
It had not thought

We had not thought

You had not thought

They had not thought


Had he thought?
Had she thought?
Had it thought?

Think in past perfect continuous


I had been thinking

You had been thinking

He had been thinking
She had been thinking
It had been thinking

We had been thinking

You had been thinking

They had been thinking


I had not been thinking

You had not been thinking

He had not been thinking
She had not been thinking
It had not been thinking

We had not been thinking

You had not been thinking

They had not been thinking


Had I been thinking?

Had you been thinking?

Had he been thinking?
Had she been thinking?
Had it been thinking?

Had we been thinking?

Had you been thinking?

Had they been thinking?

Think in future simple


He will think
She will think
It will think


You will not think

He will not think
She will not think
It will not think

You will not think

They will not think


Will he think?
Will she think?
Will it think?

Think in future continuous


I will be thinking

You will be thinking

He will be thinking
She will be thinking
It will be thinking

We will be thinking

You will be thinking

They will be thinking


I will not be thinking

You will not be thinking

He will not be thinking
She will not be thinking
It will not be thinking

We will not be thinking

You will not be thinking

They will not be thinking


Will I be thinking?

Will you be thinking?

Will he be thinking?
Will she be thinking?
Will it be thinking?

Will we be thinking?

Will you be thinking?

Will they be thinking?

Think in future perfect


I will have thought

You will have thought

He will have thought
She will have thought
It will have thought

We will have thought

You will have thought

They will have thought


I will not have thought

You will not have thought

He will not have thought
She will not have thought
It will not have thought

We will not have thought

You will not have thought

They will not have thought


Will I have thought?

Will you have thought?

Will he have thought?
Will she have thought?
Will it have thought?

Will we have thought?

Will you have thought?

Will they have thought?

Think in future perfect continuous


I will have been thinking

You will have been thinking

He will have been thinking
She will have been thinking
It will have been thinking

We will have been thinking

You will have been thinking

They will have been thinking


I will not have been thinking

You will not have been thinking

He will not have been thinking
She will not have been thinking
It will not have been thinking

We will not have been thinking

You will not have been thinking

They will not have been thinking


Will I have been thinking?

Will you have been thinking?

Will he have been thinking?
Will she have been thinking?
Will it have been thinking?

Will we have been thinking?

Will you have been thinking?

Will they have been thinking?

Think in conditional present


He would think
She would think
It would think


You would not think

He would not think
She would not think
It would not think

We would not think

You would not think

They would not think


Would he think?
Would she think?
Would it think?

Think in conditional present progressive


I would be thinking

You would be thinking

He would be thinking
She would be thinking
It would be thinking

We would be thinking

You would be thinking

They would be thinking


I would not be thinking

You would not be thinking

He would not be thinking
She would not be thinking
It would not be thinking

We would not be thinking

You would not be thinking

They would not be thinking


Would I be thinking?

Would you be thinking?

Would he be thinking?
Would she be thinking?
Would it be thinking?

Would we be thinking?

Would you be thinking?

Would they be thinking?

Think in conditional perfect


I would have thought

You would have thought

He would have thought
She would have thought
It would have thought

We would have thought

You would have thought

They would have thought


I would not have thought

You would not have thought

He would not have thought
She would not have thought
It would not have thought

We would not have thought

You would not have thought

They would not have thought


Would I have thought?

Would you have thought?

Would he have thought?
Would she have thought?
Would it have thought?

Would we have thought?

Would you have thought?

Would they have thought?

Think in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been thinking

You would have been thinking

He would have been thinking
She would have been thinking
It would have been thinking

We would have been thinking

You would have been thinking

They would have been thinking


I would not have been thinking

You would not have been thinking

He would not have been thinking
She would not have been thinking
It would not have been thinking

We would not have been thinking

You would not have been thinking

They would not have been thinking


Would I have been thinking?

Would you have been thinking?

Would he have been thinking?
Would she have been thinking?
Would it have been thinking?


3 формы глагола think

? Глагол think имеет значения: думать, мыслить, полагать, считать, иметь мнение, воображать, представлять себе, придумывать, иметь в виду, подозревать.

Формы глагола think в прошедшем времени

? Формы глагола think в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет think в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола think

Как поставить think во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

? Как поставить глагол think в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
? Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

Как поставить think в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для think нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет: think в past simple — thought.

What is the past tense of think?

The past tense of think is thought.
The past participle of think is thought.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — think в past simple, будет thought. (V2)
Future simple — think в future simple будет think. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — think в present perfect будет thought. (have\has + V3)
Past Perfect — think в past perfect будет thought. (had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол think?

? Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол think это неправильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола think

Вместе с think, часто смотрят глаголы become and show.


Think today and speak tomorrow! Глагол to think в английском языке

Процесс мышления – вот то, что, несомненно, делает любого человека homo sapiens – человеком разумным. Мы часто говорим о том, что думаем, поэтому такую важность приобретают в речи глаголы, выражающие процессы и состояния мышления. Одним из главных глаголов данной группы является глагол to think – «думать».


Смысловые оттенки (их, пожалуй, сложно назвать самостоятельными значениями) данного глагола опираются на его базовое значение – «думать».

думать I should think about a lot of different things now. Сейчас мне следует думать о многих разных вещах.
размышлять, мыслить You look serious. What are you thinking about? Ты выглядишь серьезным. О чем ты размышляешь?
иметь в голове That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think of that? Это хорошая идея. И почему она не пришла мне в голову?
полагать, считать, предполагать, иметь (какое-л.) мнение What do you think of that new film? Каково твое мнение о том новом фильме?
представлять себе, воображать I often think about you in my dreams. Я часто представляю себе тебя в моих мечтах.

Грамматические особенности

Данный глагол принадлежит к числу неправильных, а три базовые формы, требующие запоминания представлены в таблице, данной ниже:

the Infinitive (инфинитив, начальная форма)

the Past Simple Tense (прошедшее простое время)

the Past Participle (причастие прошедшего времени)

to think



I don’t really want to go to that party. I’ll have to think of an excuse. / Я действительно не хочу идти на ту вечеринку. Мне придется придумать какую-нибудь причину для отказа.

Jack has never thought of buying a car. / Джек никогда не думал о покупке машины.

Значение данного глагола, непосредственно связанное с мышлением, его состоянием и процессами, указывает на ограниченное применение глагола to think во временах группы Continuous (Progressive) и группы Perfect Continuous (Progressive). В своем основном значении «думать, иметь мнение», данный глагол имеет только временные формы Simple и Perfect. Если же подразумевается процесс размышления над чем-либо, употребление Continuous (Progressive) и группы Perfect Continuous (Progressive) допускается.

употребление Cont inuous невозможно

I think ( I am thinking ) you should sell your car. You need a bigger one with such a big family.

Я думаю, тебе следует продать свою машину. Тебе нужна машина побольше с такой большой семьей.

употребление Cont inuous допустимо

I am thinking of selling my car. There are so many pros and cons in it.

Я подумываю продать свою машину. Тут так много за и против.

Это важный момент в сфере употребления данного глагола и то, о чем не стоит забывать, составляя предложения с ним.

В активном залоге (Active Voice) таблица времен глагола to think с примерами его употребления в предложениях выглядит так:




Perfect Continuous


the Present Simple Tense

think / thinks

I think you are right. / Я думаю, ты прав.

am / is / are thinking

Don’t make noise! I am thinking! / Не шумите! Я думаю!

the Present Perfect Tense

have / has thought

I have thought about your proposal./ Я подумал над твоим предложением.

the Present Perfect Continuous Tense

have / has been thinking

I have been thinking about your proposal for the whole day. / Я думал над твоим предложением весь день.



They thought you were a doctor, that’s why they asked you so many questions. / Они подумали, что ты – доктор, поэтому они задали тебе так много вопросов.

was / were thinking

While she was telling me all her news I was thinking about what I had done. / Пока она рассказывала мне свои новости, я размышлял о том, что я совершил.

the Past Perfect Tense

had thought

He had thought about all the possible ways out carefully before he said his final answer. / Он хорошенько подумал о всех возможных выходах, прежде чем сказал свой окончательный ответ.

the Past Perfect Continuous Tense

had been thinking

As Mary came into the kitchen at 4 a.m. her sister was sitting at the table awake, with red eyes. She had been thinking and crying for the whole night. / Когда Мери вошла на кухню в 4 часа утра, ее сестра сидела за столом не спящая, с красными глазами. Она всю ночь думала и плакала.


the Future Simple Tense

will think

I will think about it tomorrow. / Я подумаю об этом завтра.

will be thinking

In the evening I will be thinking of his proposal and trying to find a solution. / Вечером я буду думать о его предложении и пытаться найти решение.

the Future Perfect Tense

will have thought

By tomorrow I will have thought about your words and will be able to make a decision. / К завтрашнему дню я обдумаю твои слова и смогу принять решение.

the Future Perfect Continuous Tense

will have been thinking

By tomorrow she will have been thinking about our proposal for a week. She seems to avoid making a decision. / Завтра будет уже неделя, как она думает над нашим предложением. Кажется, она избегает принятия решения.

Such people are often thought of with great respect (Present Simple Passive).

О таких людях часто думают с большим уважением.

Those events were thought about very often those days (Past Simple Passive).

О тех событиях очень часто думали тогда.

of или about

В своем базовом значении глагол to think употребляется с двумя разными предлогами – about и of. Предлог about употребляется, если речь идет о концентрированном размышлении над какой-либо темой, тогда как предлог of используется, когда некая идея приходит человеку в голову:

I like to have time to make decisions. I like to think about things carefully.

Мне нравится, когда есть время для принятия решений. Я люблю тщательно думать о вещах.

He told me his name but I can’t think of it now.

Он сказал мне свое имя, но оно совершенно не идет мне в голову сейчас.

Часто подобная грань в значениях почти неразличима, тогда допустимым будет употребление любого из этих двух глаголов на выбор говорящего:

When I’m alone, I often think of (или about) you.

Когда я один, я часто думаю о тебе.

Если после глагола to think употребляется герундий, то допустимо употребление любого из двух предлогов:

My brother is thinking of (или about) going to Mexico.

Мой брат думает о том, чтобы уехать в Мексику.

Фразовые глаголы с основой to think

to think back

помнить, вспомнить

Don’t think back! You can’t change anything in your past!

Не вспоминай! Ты не можешь ничего изменить в своем прошлом!

to think over

обдумывать, размышлять, продумывать, взвешивать, оценивать

I have to think over this difficult decision.

Мне необходимо взвесить хорошенько это трудное решение.

to think out

додумываться, продумывать до конца, находить решение, соображать

It is always important to think any plan or scheme out.

Всегда важно продумывать до конца любой план или схему.

to think through

продумывать, додумывать до конца, тщательно продумывать

She thinks through every detail of her image when she gets ready for a party.

Она тщательно продумывает каждую деталь своего образа, когда готовится к вечеринке.

to think up

придумывать, выдумывать

Don’t think up! There are no ghosts in that castle.

Не выдумывай! В том замке нет никаких привидений.

Устойчивые выражения с глаголом to think

to think something of oneself / to think oneself


быть высокого мнения о себе

I don’t like people who think a lot of themselves.

Я не люблю людей, которые о себе высокого мнения.

as I think

по моему мнению, как я считаю

As I think you are going to make a bad mistake.

По моему мнению, ты собираешься совершить грубую ошибку.

to think aloud

думать, размышлять вслух

Don’t worry! I am not talking to you. I’m only thinking aloud.

Не беспокойся! Я не с тобой разговариваю. Это просто мысли вслух.

to think twice before

doing smth

подумать дважды, прежде чем сделать что-либо

Sometimes it’s better to think twice before doing something important.

Иногда лучше подумать дважды, прежде чем совершить что-то важное.

to think badly of smb.

быть дурного мнения о ком-либо

Her parents thought badly of him.

Ее родители были о нем невысокого мнения.

to think good / fit

считать допустимым, уместным

I don’t think this idea fit.

Я не считаю эту идею допустимой.

to think no end of smb.

очень высоко ценить кого-либо

He is very bossy and selfish. In fact he thinks no end of himself.

Он очень властный и эгоистичный. Фактически, он очень высоко себя ценит.

Пословицы с глаголом to think


буквальный перевод

русский эквивалент

Think today and speak tomorrow.

Подумай сегодня, а скажи завтра.

Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь.

First think, then speak.

Сначала подумай, потом скажи.

Молвишь – не воротишь.

Никакие два разума не думают одинаково.

Сколько людей, столько и мнений.

Great minds think alike.

Великие умы думают одинаково.

У дураков мысли сходятся. (скорее противоположное значение, но часто употребляются для одной ситуации: когда к людям в голову приходят одинаковые идеи)

Every mother thinks her own gosling a swan.

Каждая мать думает, что ее гусенок – лебедь.

Дите хоть и криво, а отцу-матери – диво.

A drop of ink may make a million think.

Капля чернил заставляет думать миллионы.

Что написано пером, не вырубить топором.

A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy.

Ленивой овце и собственная шерсть тяжела.

Ленивой лошади и хвост в тягу.

What a man says drunk, he thinks sober.

Что человек говорит, когда пьян, то он думает, когда трезв.

Что у трезвого на уме, то у пьяного – на языке.


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